There are two distinct forms of democracy: winner-take-all (USA, UK) and then there's the real democracy (Think Sweden, Holland, Germany)(and some weird systems that overdo it completely, like Italy).
In the US version, there is red and blue.
Everyone knows that reality has three primary colors. While the USA is not a dictatorship (one color), it is also not a democracy (three colors or more). There is no Yellow in the US of A. It is actually also absent inside most folks minds here; it was not taught.
Folks here don't seem to wake up. They call each other woke about specific societal outcomes, but they are not awake about the system at all; it is really rotten because in all elections the Losing Party is actually the largest party. I am not lying.
Trump being elected was nothing but an attempt of yellow to infiltrate red, turning the outcome orange. Good joke, right? But also true.