2 min readNov 7, 2022


There are two kinds of democracy: winner-take-all (US, UK) and Full Representation (Sweden, the Netherlands, Spain). Guess what nations rise to the top on the list of happy nations? Of course, the nations with Full Representation.

If we call governments the horse jockeys and capitalism the horses, then we can see how winner-take-all nations have relatively small horse jockeys, and they are actually not controlling the horses all that well. At times, the horse is fully in control.

The horse jockeys in nations with Full Representation are heavier, bigger. That may weigh down the ability of the horse to perform at its best, but it also prevents the horse to go where it wants to go by itself.

The people are in control more in nations with Full Representation. The people are less in control in nations with winner-take-all.

Worse, because of trade agreements, the race to the bottom often seen with winner-take-all nations has a downward pull on nations with Full Representation.

Two forms of democracy. One empowers all voters, one has voters compete with voters for the win.

One delivers freedom and happiness, the other says it is the best and that we should be happy to be living in a place where at least we have choice.


The Founding Fathers only restricted voting for the Federal elections. They installed winner-take-all only for the Federal elections.

Thomas Jefferson was the first person in the world to devise a system of Full Representation.

The Ninth, Tenth, and Fourteenth Amendments in combination are demanding that Full Representation is used for local and State elections.

We can break the monopoly/duopoly of the two parties by installing free elections today, US Constitution approved, in our cities and counties, and do the same for State elections tomorrow.

Come join our Local Revolutions grassroots movement. We can break the mold that has the strongest horse in the world and the weakest horse jockey on its back and change it to a still very strong horse yet controlled much better by the People.




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