There is no expansion, Rob.
To have expansion one must have an item that expands.
The universe is not based on a universal foundation. If it did, we would be living in the original state of the universe and not in the result. So, you have to make up your mind. Do you think we live in the original state? Or do we live in a result?
Allow me to explain this more. The word Universe is not understood by you correctly.
The word Universe does not function like the word Group.
In a group, there is a communality that makes all members members of the group. There is something that makes them all the same, and this could even be something minor as long as it is the same for everyone in the group.
In the universe, we do not have that, even when everyone understands the word Universe just fine.
Matter: Always finite.
Space: Always infinite.
Both different aspects are placed under the name tag Universe. So, there cannot be a universal foundation. We cannot have a foundation that is both finite and infinite at the same time.
The word Universe is a concept, a name tag. So, if you say that the universe expands, that is the same as saying that Mankind had a beer with you in the bar last night. You are then not using the word correctly.
Other words that are name tags, which we do understand quite well:
* Everything
* Nature
* Balance
* Life
* Whole
* Mankind
* God
* Health
* Mathematics
A name tag points to something specific, but there is no need to find a unifying principle underneath.
Even mathematics is not based on a single mathematical foundation. Just the binary system and the decimal system each can do anything the other can do, but they are not the same. They differ in their foundation.
As is often the case, Rob. Specialists make up their own language and before you know it the group moves its language beyond the normal boundaries of language, claiming things they cannot claim.
I hope you understand this. There are so many physicists out there that are on the spectrum, who do not understand that they are using words that do not exist in the way they are using these words.
Their brains do not see the difference between what is real and what is an abstract word.