That's exactly like our political voting system here in the US and also in the UK. It is a perfect fit showing how our antiquated voting system is working.
I am sure, you've heard about Doughnut Economics. Here is an article about Doughnut Politics:
Winner-take-all can be compared to Flipping Coins, with our picking just sides A or B and therefore giving enormous powers automatically to whomever is in charge of A and to whomever is in charge of B.
Modern nations don't vote this way anymore, and it is about time we get a good USA 2.0 upgrade.
Changing the voting system to something like Rolling Dice means that the voters become more empowered in a heart beat. Instead of having just A and B in all the seats, there will be 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 to choose from. That better voting system will end up representing us much better because each group must compete with more groups for your vote than A and B have to do today. This is how power gets moved closer to the voters and away from special interests and power bulwarks.
Instead of an Egyptian pyramid with its pointy top to celebrate A or B, the system that we have in the US today, we can build a pyramid with a platform in top instead where different empowered parties can meet and talk to each other.
Voting equality is the civil rights struggle that can make this a fully Emancipated Nation. Today, 2 out of 5 voters go home empty-handed. We can change that. In the system of equal representation, there are no losers.