4 min readMay 9, 2021


This is not the same as my experience with time traveling. Time traveling as seen first hand by me involved the energy of future events coming to the past. They can actually get changed.

To understand what I am saying, I need to be more clear. I will do so using two examples that stood out the most for me, while there have been a good amount of future events foretold in my life.

The most striking one is the dream that ended up happening 100% identical I'd say about 7 months later. In the dream, I have a little child on my right knee, face pointing away from me, and I am slapping the baby on its right leg. Looks like a silly little game. Then, my hand falls into the baby's crotch and I have such an enormous shock it wakes me up. I did not understand what had happened and question my feelings for pedophilia, which are non-existent.

Then, 7 months out, I am visiting my sister and her one year old child. While my sister is going to do laundry she hands me her daughter and I place her on my right knee, and I start slapping her on her right leg to entertain her (I didn't know what else to do). Then, my hand slips off her leg into her crotch, completely unintentional. Then I recognize what had happened, I see that I had seen everything exactly the same before, and I have a big shock because I was living a reality that I had seen 7 months before already. This could not be.

No one can verify this, and I don't care. The only person I need to convince is myself, so that is the shock. I had traveled, probably via the emotional shock, through time.

My explanation is not that I had traveled forward to see what would happen. Rather, the energy of the future event had traveled back in time, and the only way for me to pick it up with in passive format, i.e. via dreaming.

The second experience showed me that change is possible.

I woke up at my work at the hotel where I had a split shift, working several hours in the evening and one hour of prep work during breakfast. I dreamt that I was walking away from the hotel to catch my bus, and I was going to jaywalk my way over to the other side of the street when a car turned the corner and more or less got in a conflict with my jaywalking there. The guy in the car was very angry with me and I gave him some of my thoughts in return. Then I woke up.

After my breakfast shift hour ended, I walked out the hotel and when I was about to jaywalk my way to the bus stop, I remembered the dream and decided to change my mind, walked to the corner instead, and I was going to cross there. Then, that car turned the corner, drove along the street and inside was the man of my dreams. I recognized him and he appeared to recognize me. He even seemed like he was already set to be angry with someone. I wasn't jaywalking and the man appeared surprised about that, too. I had never seen that person before, and I have never seen that person again.

What these two dreams told me (and more of them throughout my life) is that future events do cast their shadows to the present, not the other way around. But it also showed me that things are not set in stone if consciousness can be applied.


I am also a structural philosopher, and in the Big Whisper model I provide an explanation for events such as this. It will get a bit more bizarre if you are very strictly scientific in your thoughts, so tighten your seat belts.

In the Big Whisper model, the neutron and the proton are warped original energy, both packages of original energy that are each constructed in different manners. I won't go into the details here how that happened. The neutron is neutral in charge (hence the name) and the proton has a positive charge. This positive charge is compensated by the same charge in the negative, the electron.

The electron is not warped original energy. Instead, it is energy pulled straight into the neutron/proton setting from the remainder of original energy (only parts of the original energy ended up becoming neutrons and protons).

The electron is therefore directly from what we would call the other side. The original reality is therefore directly connected to our material reality.

While neutron and proton are linear, the electron is not linear. Combined, they are matter.

Naturally, the linear neutrons and protons cannot time travel (sorry, they can't), but the electron can time travel. I will explain this better later. So, while dreaming or otherwise conscious in a way one can pick up this information, the energy of future events may travel backward. In my experience not that much travels backward, so the conditions are special, like energy getting stuck in an eddy and future events handing over their energy to a present it doesn't belong to.


Lastly, a few words about the idea that in the Big Whisper matter materialized from (some of) the original energy, and that today both realities are found in each others vicinity. As such, the universe would contain locations in which we find 'islands of energy' in which for instance a material galaxy is cocooned inside an original energy setting. This original energy is not expressed other than via the electron. While matter is moving linear through space, the larger original energy cocoon enables the continuation of that material energy through space. As such, a galaxy is a self-based entity moving through space eternally. It would not be strange if there wold be a back flow of energy in that original reality, compensating for the linear movement of neutrons/protons.

If interested here is an article about this area where science cannot go:




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