Time is a phenomenon, but some physicists place time at the foundation of their understanding. They put the cart before the horse; they reverse the natural order of things and are blind to their own behavior.
When we place time at the foundation, then we automatically have a warping of time.
Here an example to show you what is below and what is above (to show that you reverted the natural order indeed).
Consider the tape measure as that example, always correct, right?
So, if we place the tape measure as the foundation (and not people and their natural height), then the tape measure can be shown to be age-dependent. The already known heights of people change when they age, so we know for a fact that the tape measure stretches (reads a lower number with these older folks).
If we don't pay attention to what is above and what is below, then we can invert the known reality and our brains can fart, embarrassingly publicly and loudly.
Place Time at the foundation, and we automatically get a warping of time. But this is a self-inflicted wound.
Time as a phenomenon is never the foundation, because matter is the foundation and time must be placed above that material reality, not below. If we do that, use the natural order of things, what happens then? Then time is stationary. Nature is then the one that changes. The ever changing universe is then seen as existing in the Now only.
Never ever should a theory be the foundation of science. The facts are the foundation of science, and the theories and their partial facts MUST be placed above the full facts, not the other way around, Alexandre. Wake up out of this rabbit hole. Your brain is farting.