TITLE CORRECTION: Divide-And-Conquer Keeps Winning, Full Representation Keeps Losing.
The less the bottom of society shares in a nation's wealth, the greater the need for socialism.
Bottom ten percent in society:
USA 1.7% of the national cake
Canada 2.7% of the national cake
Denmark 3.7% of the national cake
The bottom ten percent in the USA is taken for a ride, I hope you see that. Foreign investors love to invest here because the folks at the bottom of society don't get all that much from the fruits of their labor.
Source: https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SI.DST.FRST.10
What is going on?
The USA has a system of Winner-Take-All, while Denmark has a Proportional Voting democracy. The USA has three institutions (Presidency, Senate, House) that can and will quarrel and obstruct with themselves, while Denmark has one House and one House only.
The best political slogan to say it quickly would be: "It is the system, stupid."
It is amazing how many people have wool over their eyes and are unwilling to remove it. The brainwash is not one of misinformation; it is one of lack of information. So many folks in the USA believe they are the best nation in the world for all people, while it is the best nation in the world for winners-taking-all. Education is the missing aspect and we can change that by discussing the political systems among ourselves.
Fr instance, there is a little door in the US Constitution to get away from winner-take-all in one specific layer of US governments.