Voters are Invoking the US Constitution in their cities, today. They do so, knowing the Founding Fathers are with them.
The US Constitution talks about powers and gives them to the Federal government, the States respectively, and the People.
The Good News is that cities and counties are not mentioned in the US Constitution. And that means that cities and counties must follow the Bill of Rights 100%.
Unlike the States, cities and counties do not have a cop out. They must follow it 100%.
Cities and counties are not allowed to segregate voters into districts and then declare them each other's equals. That is separate-but-equal and that has been ruled unconstitutional for the local level.
The Invocation reminds cities and counties that they must follow the US Constitution, and that they are currently not doing that. They copied and pasted the system of the Federal level and the State level, and that is not allowed. They must 100% follow the Bill of Rights.
Join the local revolution.
Did you know that voting in districts gives the voters about half the empowerment as voters voting proportionally?
In pro-portional voting, each portion of the population gets the same portion of representatives. Twenty percent of the voters receive twenty percent of the seats (and if a city has five seats then that is 1 seat).
Here, in district voting, we compete with other voters whether the one seat will be red or blue. Green, orange or yellow does not even stand a chance. In proportional voting, there are no districts. All seats are voted for at the same time by all voters, and the pie is divvied up -- pro-portionally. Each portion is served. The representatives pay much greater attention to the voters when voters are more empowered.
The more seats there are, the greater the number of people getting the representative they desire. When there are four seats on the council, the minimum guarantee is already 80%. With nine seats, 90 percent of the voters can point their fingers to the person or political coloration they handpicked themselves. That is the minimum number.
We, in district voting, have 50 percent plus one vote as the minimum. That means that up to 49.99999 percent of the voters can go home empty-handed.
Why is district voting so bad? We have about half the empowerment as voters in Proportional Voting.
Join the local revolution.