Want Less Supreme Court?

4 min readJun 24, 2022


Then our political system has to work harder for us.

Photo by Aiden Frazier on Unsplash

Politicians have a lot of power and they can indeed guide society well — unless the politicians decide to not use that power and sit on their hands. In the USA, Congress actually does little besides spinning and spending; the Supreme Court Justices have to step in — a lot. The Justices put their legal traffic signs in place exactly because our politicians are too scared, too preoccupied, and too unwilling to put political traffic signs in place for our society.

Had there been separation of powers, then we would have been able to breathe easier. But the Supreme Court Justices are appointed by politicians, and that turns the Supreme Court into a highly-sophisticated monkey business. Today, the Supreme Court looks nothing like the society we live in; the nine Justices put traffic signs in places where society as a whole does not want them.

Looking at other nations and seeing how their affairs are arranged, we can see the confirmation quickly that our politicians are doing very little.

  • Where abortion was put in place by politicians elsewhere, and often with the lowest abortion rates in the world as results, we got nothing from our politicians. Nothing at all. The Supreme Court stepped in and pushed a decision in place that was welcomed by many and yet aggravated so many others that it became a political movement with as sole purpose to undermine that Supreme Court decision.

There is no political wisdom on the Supreme Court, no political refinement that would please as many people as possible. The specifically narrow detail in front of them is decided in a legally up or down manner.

How to get around the Supreme Court?


By making Congress function better.

No US Constitutional changes required.

The Founding Fathers put something in place that today we do not follow. If we were to follow what the Founding Fathers put in place, our politicians will end up making more and better decisions. They would not be sitting on their hands most of the time.

The Founding Fathers did not put a two-party system in place.

A: They limited political expression at the Federal level.

It is very smart to avoid ending up with twenty different political forces pulling on the center of society. No large nation would survive that for long. The Founding Fathers were smart to concentrate powers at the Federal level and not have a pure republic in place with each voter represented exactly by their choices.

B: They limited governmental infringement on the realm of the People.

It is very smart to limit the realm of governments, so there will be more space left for people to pursue their happiness. We The People declares the empowerment of the People, existing at the same level as government. Only where government is given the ropes, described in the US Constitution, only there can government indeed take the lead.

We did not keep the republic that was handed to us. What went wrong?

The States are to be blamed first, and next the People.

The States copied and pasted the restricted voting system of the Federal level and put it in place for their own State elections while there was no good (geo)political reason to do so.

Insult to injury, the same restrictions were put in place for the local governmental levels as well.

Our republic is one in which we have three restricted voting levels of winners-taking-all. That tripling caused the two-party system to come into being.

The People are to be blamed next, because they let it happen.

Where we should have a Federal Republic in place, likely with three to six parties and some of them disappearing and some new ones arriving over time, we now have a two-party system solidly in place. Both parties are immensely empowered, no third party can take away their power. Yet instead of working things out and their delivering us the We The People outcomes we desire, these two parties don’t do all that much. They tinker in the margin, frolic about details, get upset when the people are upset, and next do nothing much about what needs to be done.

The blame lies with the People.

The People sit on their hands.

The People aren’t doing much more than what the politicians are doing, pointing fingers at other people, pointing fingers at the other party.

We are not the Land of the Free; we are not the Home of the Brave. We let politicians waltz into both the State and local levels and let the governments put balls and chains on our voting systems.

The Founding Fathers did not put a two-party system in place.

The two parties stole your freedom.

Once we change the voting system in cities, counties and States, then the Federal level will automatically get three, four, five, perhaps six parties in place. That’s perfect because we don’t need twenty little parties.

The outcomes of a few parties forming a majority will be brightly colored. All we need is a majority and that is much easier to achieve among some of the five parties we should have in place than with the two bulwarks of today that like to sit on their hands as most-beloved hobby.

Come join the Local Revolutions grassroots organization. We are not changing the laws; we want the laws to be applied as they were intended.

The light shines brighter with input from more political sides.




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