We have to change the voting system, and we are only allowed to do that at the local and State levels.
Right now, we have winner-take-all, which means the large minority gets nothing.
In a democracy, the voters are represented. We do not have that. Only the winners are represented in the USA.
In Sweden, the Netherlands, and Spain, all voters can point their finger to the person they voted for themselves or a susbstitute of their exact liking.
US Senators (this data is from 2006) got ehtir seats with 60% of the votes. So, half of that constituted the majority in the Senate (30% of 100% of the voters).
In proportional voting, the majority in the government has the actual support of the majority of the voters.
We don't have that because we have one round of divide-and-conquer in the voting booth. Voters compete with voters.
Sweden, the Netherlands, and Spain? There is no game in the voting booth over there. All voters are represented. These nations are democracies.