2 min readAug 1, 2022


When asking the question if God was of the same intelligence as God is today, then the likely answer is 'no'. God today would be far more intelligent than God in the original situation in which creation was created.

What Searle's Chinese Room shows is not that creationism and a personal God are nonsense, but that the idea that God cannot change must be rejected as an improper assumption about what God entails.

Take the following analogy to view how the prior state of the universe can be considered, from one specific structural perspective.

When winding up a toy too much so the mechanism breaks, the toy did not disintegrate into dust. Just parts broke and most of the toy is still intact. Often, one can still play with the toy, but the magic trick is gone.

What this analogy shows is that assuming that the outcome is somehow the same as what existed before (because Energy does not get lost and so we have a transformation at best) is not the best approach.

With a prior state that energy-wise is identical to today, the prior state would likely have had an ability that does not exist anymore today.

If we consider the material outcome the omelet, then we know that the prior egg has qualities that belong to the egg and are not the same as the qualities of the omelet.

We can say that energy is directed. Yet the next question is if this means there is a Director in it all.

With the toy having lost its magic trick, we must conclude that it is very well possible that there was a Director in the prior state, perhaps a bit like the Borg in Star Trek, but that that state got changed when the materialization process began.

Last point therefore is that we have a fundamental change occurring once matter arrived on the scene. We know therefore (for a fact) that the prior state of the universe caused this fundamental occurrence.

Fundamental either means established anew ‘on top’ of what existed prior or ‘taken away’ from the prior whole. We can say that matter got established on top of an energized level that is itself otherwise not visible to us (and diminished by what was used for matter), while we can also say that something was taken away from the whole set of possibilities (a function is no longer available).

It gets complicated (which is part of the fun), yet disproving the existence of God is not possible. At best, we can end up seeing all (different) perspectives how to view that original energy that created ourselves as well.

'What God Used to Create Creation'




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