1 min readFeb 14, 2022


When New Zealand changed its two-party system to incorporate Proportional Voting, the number of female representatives jumped in one election with almost 50%.

Today, New Zealand has 47.5% of its representatives of the stronger gender, close to the full balance level.

When San Francisco moved backward from At-Large to District Voting, the 5 female and 6 males on the Board of Supervisors became 1 female and 10 males overnight.

Alexander, for someone who calls himself an educator, you have to wake up and smell the coffee. We have a lousy voting system because it discriminates real badly.

Winner-take-all benefits guys, benefits the rich, benefits the white, benefits the old in the US Senate.

The good news about the US Senate? Female Senators are on average richer than their male super-rich counter parts.

Yes, that is really sad news. If those that are discriminated against can still win, but they just need to bring more money than the others, then we live in '1984' and 'Animal Farm' combined. We are not free, while 'our leaders' say there is no freer nation than ours on the planet.

Come join the voter protest, demanding Proportional Voting at the city level, as required per the US Constitution. It is the perfect spot to start true voter reform.




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