Why don't you show how we can get smarter in the eyes of the world?
It does not require a change of US Constitution to get Proportional Voting put in place at the local level.
Are you aware how that would change our outlook? No?
Then you are not alone. Very few folks in the USA know anything about the other form of democracy.
And yet the other form of democracy is what the Framers demanded we have at the local level.
I'll show you, if you are curious.
For starters, our democracy is based on the support of 30% of the voters to lead the nation.
We say it is 50%, but that is not what is required. That 50% is only true in the other format of democracy.
We have majority times majority, sothat is automatically less than majority, just like 0.6 x 0.6 = only 0.3.
We have winner-take-all, so the majority is actually not based on the majority of the voters.....