Yes and no, John. Thank you for a nice answer.
The universe is infinite only from the perspective of space, and we can therefore declare space as (0). Matter in the universe, dispersed as it is and when viewed from the collective, is finite and can be declared with (1). The material universe grew from small to it’s current reality, and is still expanding every second. Whether more matter is created in our universe is a different question in which I have not invested myself.
As such, we have two realities of (0) and (1) when talking about our universe. It is the dual structure of reality that I am enamored with and that I am trying to promote. The duality of (0) and (1) is like having two eyes and seeing depth. Simply put, there will automatically be two eyes when there are two essential and distinct spots because matter will take up both spots: it’s own and the empty spot.
The experienced nothing that helped create matter coming into being is itself also taken up by matter in as far as matter is able to get to these empty spots.
At the largest level, things get rather simple. There really is no mystery other than that it all happened at all. I cannot deny myself being here in this body on this planet, and that is the starting point of my thinking. Will there be new things to discover? Probably, but not about the big picture. The ancients already knew it and I hope modern man will embrace it anew.
Again, thank you for a nice answer, John.