Yes, but the idea of the monotheist God structures the brain, the manner in which it thinks, and that is how the brain ends up farting every now and then.
So, when we give up on the unnatural monist structure, then we can liberate ourselves. We can rid ourselves of the structures that are false.
The prior state can be declared as potentially unified (at its own level).
The current state cannot be declared as potentially unified (because we would otherwise not be here but rather find ourselves still in that prior state).
The brain has to reorganize itself to remove the brain fart.
Just look at the Big Bang model. All evidence dates back to no more than the CMBR.
What do physicists do? Extrapolate it back much further so they end up with a single (singular) process. That is a position beyond the facts and removed from the facts.
They turn the known data into an experience with a cyclopic aspect included that simply cannot be.
Envision the Big Bang as twenty dots, humor me, and we connect the dots, then we know for a fact that the Cyclops that physicists and religious folks alike are drawing will be incorrect. We cannot have an unnatural or unrealistic aspect and expect the result to then declare nature/reality.
It may be a Gorilla when we connect the twenty dots, but at least a Gorilla has two eyes. A drawing of a Gorilla will always win every day from the drawing of a Cyclops. One is real, the other contains a brain fart.
The religious Cyclops and the scientific Cyclops are both incorrect, unnatural, unrealistic.
That Cyclops idea is only possible when the people conjuring up these ideas are holding on to an incorrect structure inside their brains.
Taking down the singular God may not be enough; let’s agree. We have to take down the remaining structure of the singular God as well.