Yes, Occupy failed to make this a better society. Things did change, that cannot be denied, but there is a feeling of same-old, same-old nevertheless.
One approach not yet explored by many is changing the voting system where allowed. Did you know that voters in districts have about half the power as voters in proportional voting?
The US Constitution requires local governments to not use any discriminating format when a better format is available. Segregating people in districts and then calling them out as equals (separate-but-equal) is illegal. It is an interesting aspect, because the same demand cannot be made for Federal or State elections, but it is a good first step to start at the local level. Electing local representatives using a fair system will open many people's eyes. They will not believe how they were so uninformed about the voting system's impacts on their representatives.
There are steps we can take today, demands can be made today.
Thank you for your good article, Gwen.