Yes, yes, of course. But these are choices made by people themselves. So the surprise is that the most logical choice (people pairing, Mom & Dad, male&female) simply did not get picked up a lot for the divine narrative. It is telling. The lack of picking this option shows us something very important.
When we look at the Adam and Eve story, God is basically a Cyclops because the structure of the storyline leads to a single Eye in top, and not to a God with two eyes. Translation: God did not create Adam and Eve at the same time; God created Adam first, and then from a part of Adam (some have told me that the actual word used for what was taken from Adam can get translated into 'rib' but also into 'shadow') we get the secondary position of Eve. God is singular in God’s actions. But God cannot be a Cyclops because we would then not be made in God’s image. This very telling.
It all goes back to picking 0 or 1, as the number representing the overall structure, Benjamin. Rubin's Vase if you want, with our seeing the Vase (1) or us seeing the Two Faces (2, meaning that seeing 1 is incorrect, and the top position can then be written as 0 — because the 2 must give 0 a central position in-between the 2 in order for this all not becoming the same as 1).
With 1, we have an artificial state that -- once picked -- is nevertheless far more powerful than following the natural state, which we can express with that 0 (of no one occupying a singular top position).
One (1) states that "I am the leader of us two" and as such we have an empowered state indeed, a hierarchy in the making. A ship has a captain, a war its general, and in times of trouble uniting ourselves is naturally a very smart thing to do. Yet it is about power and when not at war and when not on a ship, picking 1 is not natural per se.
Étienne de La Boétie said (as 16 year old) that the power of the King is nothing more than the power the people gave to this one person to be their leader. Right on!
Power is not innate to our bodies. Power occurs on the outside of our bodies. And it is the other person who ends up giving power to a first person. Culture or religion is ultimately about power, benevolent or not so benevolent.
Indoctrinating their own people, and let me use harsh modern words, the story of Adam and Eve is a chauvinistic narrative of blatant patriarchy. It suppresses women, declares them secondary; in modern eyes, it is repulsive. Naturally, as long as women abide and accept, then we have that hierarchy in place. In that hierarchy, women will find their own spots in which they are empowered. But you see that the hierarchy is some kind of shuffling about who we are as people.
In the very old days, with hunter-gatherers, the leading God was a female figure in most cultures that we are aware of. The gift of bringing life into this world was truly a miracle, so naturally the divine aspect was placed with women.
Then, when people started to settle down, empowering ourselves took a more prominent role, and we see that a male God started to take the leadership role in these cultures of peoples that were settling. They often needed an angry God because marauding tribes had to be pushed away from lands that used to be everyone's; the land needed defending with all the might there was. The new aspect is that what used to belong to all (i.e. not 1) started to belong to 1 group and 1 group only.
Subsequently, once tribes settled and all claimed their own lands (some wars still occurring not withstanding), the divine male God went from angry to more benign, warm, intelligent. But... God remained male because if need be the most angry part had to be expressed.
Power is the guide to help us understand the current human mind, and we can even see how power is indeed the true struggle in our world still today.
I therefore dare predict that as long as we embrace the structure of 1 as if it were divine and not artificial, we will remain at war with ourselves and the planet. We can unite around 1 and be at war all the time, or we can unite around 0 and be peaceful toward one another (while remaining 1 each for ourselves).
Thank you for your further communications, Benjamin. I appreciate it much.