You did not mention the Big Whisper theory. It is and it isn't the Big Bang theory, because it is different enough for its own name. It explains how the prior state of the energized universe churned parts of it into quarks. It is that simple, but a major distinction not made in the Big Bang theory.
Basically, a 'divorce' is the actual state of the current universe. Just like an omelet cannot be made without breaking an egg, the material transformation of energy could not have taken place when we do not have the correct structure in place, a fundamental breakage took place. Anyone trying to deliver a single overall delivery will be incorrect because we have self-based outcomes, separation being fundamental therefore, and not a single overall outcome.
At the end of the prior energized state of the universe, only Zone 2 ended up being churned into quarks, and that means that the prior closed system 'birthed' a secondary closed system of quarks. In combination, the total amount of energy remained the same, but the original closed system became just a fraction smaller due to this ‘birth’.
Then, with the quarks ending up becoming neutrons and protons as soon as they reached the CMBR, the electrons were pulled in additionally from the original remainder. The positive charges of the protons had to be neutralized by the electrons.
So, we have two kinds of matter:
1/ linear neutrons and protons
2/ non-linear electrons
The non-linear electrons are most like the original energy (though pulled into the linear reality of the protons).
Here you can see better what is failing in the Big Bang theory; they don't have an orange section. They don't talk about the prior divorce.
'The Big Bang Egg' (showing that the Big bang theory is flawed.
The Big Whisper is named for Penzias and Wilson who discovered the whisper of the materialization process.