2 min readJan 26, 2022


You have a lot of agenda packed into your words.

But let me focus on the European Union because there is a good chance that it will become more social-democratic again. It was under Thatcher (and Reagan) that the Western world took a turn toward the libertarian ideals, and had Britain not been part of the European Community, the rest of the EC could perhaps have fared better. Still, if one important nation decides to compete for the sake of competition, then others need to follow because investors will go to the nations with the best benefits (for them). The UK (and the US) opened the floodgate door and so the water level dropped everywhere. Thatcher and Reagan helped their elites get back in the saddle better, while undermining the other EC societies that were maintaining better levels for all.

It was a happy day when Brexit happened for all of Europe. It is not that Britain cannot continue to undermine social equity in Europe by competing economically the best it can do, but at least the animal of unrelenting competition will be out in the open, and is no longer on the inside of the community.

I feel for the British folks though, because in order for the elite to compete the best with the rest of the world, the standards will have to remain lower than elsewhere, for the regular person that is. The elites from all over the world will reap the benefits of the English working harder and harder and not getting more out of it. The UK was already the odd one out with its steep class society. I saw this one article where the number of youth pregnancies was five times greater percentage-wise in the UK than in the Netherlands. What a neglect. What a class society. What a division.

And it can all be brought back to the dumb voting system the British have. District Voting gives the voters half the empowerment that voters have when voting proportionally.

Here is the funny part. Because of the EU requirement to have voters be represented proportionally, the British got themselves a good number of parties with actual presence and importance. One of them the UKIP. So, the good voting system allowed the British to express their contempt for the EU quite well. This is therefore hilarious. By allowing full expression, the thing that comes out is the undermining of the system that allows expressing oneself fully, politically-speaking. The snake bites its own tail. And that is perhaps a good term to describe District Voting. It is a snake.

Really, I feel for the English because they are fully back at being a bipolar nation. So many are not represented even when they come out to vote their entire lives.




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