Glad we agree on much, but I see that you keep forgetting we are talking models. The point is whether you see the scientific Black Eye model or not.
I do not mind that you disagree with me, how “the strong pull away from the center doesn't turn into a circular motion.” In reality, it is the two models that disagree in that particular aspect; it is normal to find disagreement among two distinct models.
In the Black Hole model, we both follow what you are saying. So, there is no argument there.
The question is if you can follow what the scientific Black Eye model states.
To undermine the alternate model, one needs to bring evidence, and since the forces are invisible, we cannot extrapolate the findings you suggested of what is seen between Earth and Moon all the way to an entire galaxy. That is not how science works.
But… once you recognize the alternate scientific model, you don’t have to pick it as your choice from the two options. Not at all. That is inherent to having two models, because only one will be correct.
Adam is correct. Eve is correct.
Yet unless we uncover the details, we do not know if it is Adam or Eve.
Two scientific models, both possible. That is the choice.
You mentioned the circular motion of the planet in light of the Hurricane. The circular motion of the planet contributes to the circular motion of the storm, yet it is that pulling by the storm from all sides that whips up the circular motion. Once we have a natural circular motion, the collective outbound pull in all directions whips it up.
We have the same circular motion present with a galaxy as well. A galaxy turns, and the center of a galaxy turns even faster.
Add pull to that center from all directions, and we have a spinning center indeed with gravity that will affect photons on their paths. We can discuss these details further, if desired, because photons show what gravity is in place. Yet to declare the source on the inside or on the outside, that is the question.
Do note that with the storm, while reviewing the behavior of just two air molecules with wind force between them, we do not have sufficient information to predict the existence of the Eye of the Storm. We can’t go from two air molecules to that Eye; it is too complex to do that.
Obviously, we have an alternate model that, based on the known scientific data and evidence, can be correct. But it is a complex model for certain.
Again, the question remaining is not whether you agree with me, but whether you can see the model. As said, you do not have to pick it as your favorite.
I am glad you see the model for the hurricane and recognize that it is complex. I hope you see that we are dealing with a complex reality for the scientific Black Eye model as well.