2 min readJun 27, 2020


You started out great, but then you found your pulpit and wanted us in your church, Tim.

The complexities of the Americas are indeed of a different level than in Europe. You started out real well, Tim, with very good points. But then you took it to that level where everything was explained by a hip term: whiteness. I liked it better when you declared the various parts.

Synergy is not a something by itself; the outcome is based on the parts.

  • Economic struggles incorporated in this dog-eat-dog world.
  • Racial differences being exploited to get the benefits for one group, or better: not to the other.
  • Smart people are not always leading the way to smart outcomes.
  • Competition is being venerated.
  • The political system is setup for failure of large groups of people.

Okay, that last one is my pulpit because it is something we can change, today. One cannot have a good society if the institution this society is based on is warped and therefore biased.

We declared ourselves the nation of We The People, but one quick look at the voting system and there it is: It’s pure divide-and-conquer.

We are segregated in voting districts where we fight each other for that single seat. That is not We The People.

We should have the We The People system. Many nations in Europe have the We The People system (not the UK with its society steeped in class). Like the UK, we have the divide-and-conquer system. Add racism to the mix and the outcome is even more demeaning.




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