A Republic, if you can keep it. And… we didn't. We actually lost it quite a long time ago. The power grab by the Two Parties is not talked about in our history books, and yet that is what happened. The emerging powers in the very young republic concentrated their powers beyond the US Constitution. They broke the republic and forced us to live in a two-party nation, an unhealthy bipolar reality.
We can get the republic back.
It requires education that the Two Parties are not going to give us. I'll describe it in one minute of your reading time.
The Founding Fathers did not allow the purest voting system for the Federal level. That was smart, because having twenty little parties would have torn our nation apart a long time ago.
But then, and this is the real point, they told other levels of government to not deny or disparage the rights of the People.
Basically, they said: Do as we say, not as we do.
And that is not what happened.
The powers that came into being put the same voting restrictions in place as the Federal level. They were not allowed to do that, so that is where we did not keep the Republic.
The powers that would be concentrated their powers further by avoiding full representation at the State levels.
Insult to injury, the States made it illegal for cities and counties to have the pure voting system that Thomas Jefferson had devised. They knew and understood the pure voting system, and the powers to be did not want to share their powers with all. They concentrated power into their hands.
And that is how we can get it back. The easiest spot is actually the city and county level because they are not even mentioned in the US Constitution. Therefore, they must follow the US Constitution exactly as prescribed. They are not allowed to deny or disparage the rights of the People.
The States are a bit harder because they are described in the US Constitution and given powers. So, they have loopholes to hide behind. We can get that level changed, too, but we will do that later. We need people be educated, experienced first.
Already the first time when we start voting proportionally at city and county level, the wool will come off our eyes real quickly. We will realize how the Two Parties drove us in a corner of their desire to concentrate power into their hands.
The US Constitution does not need to be changed. It is fine as it. It needs to be followed, and then we'll automatically get a four or five-party system at the Federal level. Then, our Supreme Court Justices will never get hijacked by one of the two parties ever again.
'A Republic if you can keep it'