Comment about annoying manner of writing gladly accepted, Stephen. You didn't give up, that's what counts, so kudos, and I am glad we agree on the final point made.
Two remarks in response to your words that are hopefully interesting to you.
1/ I find the word infinity a wonderful invention. The human brain can understand what is being said, but in reality there is no there there. At least… not for long.
The prime example is the apple cut in half, and next the halves cut in half, too, and their parts cut in half, and so on.
We can continue this all the way to infinity, but the truth is that after doing the cutting-by-half for about forty times there isn't much of the apple left. Infinity is a concept that is easy to understand but that loses its essence sooner rather than later.
I do not use the word infinity other than for explaining that space has an infinite quality. It's got no borders. Perhaps time can get added here, too, but I personally do not have an infinite amount of time.
2/ My view on God (better: parts of God) becoming matter is truly based on actual parts of the prior energy being warped and ending up recombined somehow in what we know as matter. You say something similar, but in your own words.
The idea that God did not change because of this is a bit funny. Yet let's work with that, because even in this extreme setting of God remaining like the original God, this subsequent reality for God is not the same anymore.
So, we then agree that God did not change, but parts of God were changed into something else besides the remnant of the original God. That means that a new reality was established in which the position of the original God is no longer the only position.
Because matter is then of an equal essence to God (because not made by God, but from God), we can no longer place the remainder of God in a superior position, whereas prior God could be declared Almighty. Rather, we now have two versions of God and there is no other way than to review both in their own setting. God is then no longer Almighty because matter is mighty about itself. God is then still the same, but no longer of the same stature.
I find it easier to simply declare that God changed because parts of God are now missing from the original God. Either way, God today cannot be placed in an Almighty position.
Almighty is the combination of ALL (1) and superior (1st). If so desired, we can give God today that 1st position, but we cannot give God today that marking of being ALL anymore.
In another article, I write that specific story line. It declares that the original God created only Heaven's Gate. God did not create anything else. Rather, what happened (in this storyline) is that parts of God ended up moving through Heaven's Gate and then became matter.
This sketch means that the superior position now belongs to Heaven's Gate, and that the remnant of God is located on the other side from where we are, but also at that same lower level where we find ourselves.
Comparing this storyline to science, then the religious Heaven's Gate taking in top position is like space being the largest phenomenon in our universe, itself not amounting to being all that essential. But... as we can see with Heaven's Gate, it is a portal that connects (and disconnects) us from God.
Thank you for your reply, Stephen. I really appreciate honesty.
P.S. I did make the article less annoying in the past already. The first version had me really annoyed with myself. I will likely take another look at it again.
I am trying to do two things here: A/ Get rid of the atheists because this is really not about the question whether God is real or not, so I am wearing them down, and B/ take folks by the hand that need to be taken by the hand. I don't want to lose them, while I also don't want folks to find too much ammunition to disagree with what I am trying to declare.
Here's that other article, and I apologize because it has that same slow quality but then about Heaven's Gate: