4 min readJul 10, 2024


Excellent question, R.Hassan, but it must be answered in different sections that need to be understood.

First, embracing duality and unification at the same time requires us to recognize the pyramid as a tool.

1 x 1 = 1

2 x 2 = 4

Four corners that gradually slope toward a single top.

At the bottom, we find the actual truths, like male, female, young and old.

In top, we find a unified truth, like human being.

We are all human beings, and yet there is not a single human being who is male, female, young and old at the same time.

Inside our brains, we must recognize that we can do something, make something real that in reality does not exist. Yet we see it as real.


We also hold models inside our minds. The cube can be seen as the model of 3D, but if we pay close attention then the cube can be seen as the model for 4D as well. There are 8 corners, so four lines from corner to corner that makes 4D.

See image used in

To discuss dark energy and dark matter, one must accept the model in which they are used. It turns out that the model is about matter first and foremost. It is from 'reading' the behavior of matter that dark energy and dark matter are considered to be present. So, it is important that the 'reading' is done correctly.

This is where is disagree with physicists because they are not reading reality correctly. Nevertheless, I do believe in the existence of two realities, an aether if you wish. But it is a bit more complex than just that.


For matter to have become the new aspect in our universe, we had to have the energy of the old universe undergo an extreme situation.

So, the story I follow is from normal old situation to extreme old situation.

Then, some of the energy is damaged when things get to be too extreme.

The reaction that follows is one from extreme situation relaxing back toward the normal state again, but some things have changed.

1. Everything is moving outwardly from one another, which can of course only lead to an ultimate breaking apart of everything as one (and then a clumping together as one, but this then only experienced in each part by itself).

2. The damaged energy could not return to its original shape.

Once the situation was no longer extreme but normal, the damaged energy had to form new collectives, they became the neutrons and protons. These are now self-based forms of energy.

Because the protons have a positive charge, the negative charge (electrons) had to be pulled out of the large remainder of undamaged energy (also moving outwardly like all energy). Protons and electrons exist in equal amounts in the universe.

The electrons did not annihilate the protons because they could not get to the heart of the matter; they could not undo the damage. All they could do was neutralize the positive charges.

So, we know that there are two realities, because at the subatomic level there is always a charge present, while at the overall level there is no charge.


I follow the Big Whisper model, which is a Big Bang model different from the Lambda-CDM model. I mainly discuss 'original energy' here, and I do not use the terms dark energy or dark matter.

But if I need to use these terms then I can explain their origin if I have to.

In the Big Whisper model, all 'old energy' got involved in a collective inward motion, and in Zone 1, in the center, all energy of Zone 1 got stuck, compressed to the max.

As such, even though the energy did not get damaged, it did get compressed to the max and this could have resulted in 'dark matter'.

Then in Zone 2, around Zone 1, we have the situation in which all energy got damaged into a quark soup.

In Zone 3, the largest zone of energy, no damage occurred, although this energy contributed a lot of inward push to Zones 1 and 2. Energy in this zone is therefore pure original energy, or if you wish dark energy.

As said, all catapulted outwardly after energy in Zone 2 got damaged and, as said, I do not make a distinction between immaterial energy because I stand first and foremost on solid footing with material energy.

Then, I step toward the immaterial energy as used for electrons, undamaged. They are part of matter as well, though quite different from the neutrons and the protons.

And only then do I step toward original energy, which is there in great abundance.

Still, with everything moving outwardly, it is also not possible to see unification among all immaterial energy, because all moving outwardly at the collective level means just one thing: At some point all this energy had to break up in clumps of energy going their own way.

The claim is therefore that the Milky Way is our 'island of energy' and we are not connected to anything else in the universe, unless that something else joins the Milky Way.

So, next to unifying and to duality, I also embrace the zero of nothing, of space not being anything but space.

0 x 0 = 0

1 x 1 = 1

2 x 2 = 4

If I stretch out my fingers with my nails visible to me, that is exactly what I see. I see four, I see one, and I see none.

Stretch out your other hand with your nails visible to you, and place your middle finger on top of your other middle finger to see the seven fingers.

Thank you for asking the question, R.Hassan. Let me know if you have a different version, a different storyline.




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