1 min readJul 11, 2021


However, falsification is not available in the silver realm of science. Falsification can only be requested in the golden realm of science.

Archaeology is a good example of a silver realm of science. The finds themselves can't be repeated and the proposal how artifacts are linked cannot be scrutinized to the same level as results that can be repeated.

I have been frustrated by too many scientists while trying to present the Big Whisper theory (how the prior state of the universe established an inward motion that caused damaged to parts of its, that ended up becoming matter). All they did was close the door by demanding falsification. But there is no falsification for that what cannot be repeated.

If interested in the theory.

For me it is clear that Tim describes a very good point. Scientists can only sit on their horses when results are repeatable. Otherwise they are sitting on high horses while there isn't a horse around.




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