In order to have a successful revolution, we must understand structure. Revolutions fail when they change some but not all of the underlying structures of society, of human kind, and of assholes.
Communism is a failure right from its onset because it points at the problems, comes up with the solutions, but does nothing for the underlying structure. Control is exerted in name of all, but the elite filtrates into the bulwark of power and takes over.
Fascism is a failure right from the onset because it does not care about the underlying structure; it just wants to control for the sake of controlling and therefore delivering what the elite wants.
Of the two, fascism is more honest. It just declares what it wants and wants to get rid of everything it doesn't want. Communism makes use of the human heart desiring something for all and does then not deliver; it turns human life into the plainest things that does not make a heart sing.
The real issue is that people have a mind that wants to unite, and that is not Nature's way. We de-natured ourselves when we accepted a unified reality that somehow could be.
One language, one currency, one production system, one value, one religion, one blablablablablablah. The human brain is crippled because it cannot move away from the unifying principle. When it wants to make society better it behaves then like clowns with the big shoes trying to pick up the beach balls, but always kicking them further ahead of these big shoes. The brain does not see it is the problem itself.
The real structure is always two-fold (at minimum). There never was or will be a singular solution.
If we view the world then we can obviously see that something is completely wrong with how we occupy this planet. Not only are we with way too many people on this little rock, we are also setting ourselves up for collective failure all the time. We are truly not a smart species where self-control is concerned.
Take democracy as the better solution than fascism or communism can ever deliver. We throw all the 30 different forms of democracy on one heap and call of them democracy. Done!
It turns out there is a devil in the details and particularly the winner-take-all nations are -- surprise, surprise -- giving more to the winners than anyone else. The voters compete with the voters for representation. How stupid is that? How can we be a democracy when the voters are competing with the voters? Explain that to me. The candidates are supposed to compete with other candidates for the seats, so obviously the powers that be didn't want to have that happening and they came up with a system that diluted democracy into something that is half its strength, so they had more power left for themselves.
If an economy is a horse, and a democracy a jockey, then the US has an enormous horse, but the jockey is barely visible and most certainly not in control of the horse and hasn't been for decades.
The Scandinavian horses are strong, but look at their jockeys. They are strong, too, they know how to handle horses.
Looking at the world map of democracies, it turns out that there are almost no real democracies in our world today. We are loaded up on spin and brainwash and all these 'products' saying they are the best using the best words available, but not delivering.
No wonder we are not satisfied, abused, demoralized. We are being lied to because no one talks about the underlying structures.
'The First Things About Democracy'
-includes a map