It is time for peace.
Burning oneself is not being at peace with the world, but a protest. I recommend no one follows that example. From self-burning, we end up with suicide bombers at the same but other extreme.
The true damage lies in the limited planet and people thinking they are unlimited themselves (even to the point that burning oneself is seen as a path toward achieving world piece).
We need to stop being fools.
The article you wrote, Francis, comes with the solution, too, so in my opinion you just wrote too much, way too much.
The others.
There are no others.
So, we have to look at our:
Religion (particularly if it makes ‘us’ different from ‘them’).
Nations (particularly if this allows some within the nation to end up with way more than any person will ever need in their lives, and taken away from others so they do not live a good life).
In short: we need to discuss power. We need a global discussion about power and how it alienates us from one another, how those in power end up hurting the ‘others’ not on the inside with the empowered.
Look at all conflicts in the world and they are all about power.
My poison in the world is the two-party system, district voting, because it is the emblem of divide-and-conquer. The majority does not occupy the majority of the seats, but rather ALL seats. It is democracy with a built-in bomb.
The UK has dominated the world for three centuries with its divide-and-conquer business. The USA took over in a more benevolent way toward the world in general, but with the same divide-and-conquer economic selfishness nevertheless.
We need to reorganize the world into better empowered bulwarks.
Germany has of course the most experience with different forms of control over time than any nation in the world today. Any large nation should end up like Germany today, with a five-to-seven party system. This is diverse enough so all voters can have their say indeed, yet limited enough so we don't have twenty parties in the center and Hitler to the right, the communists to the left, and the center collapsing.
After WW II, the Germans got smart. They are now our examples where at first they were the epitome of what we should not become.
Essential is that each voter is empowered in the result. Not just the majority of the voters having ALL seats. Not just the inhabitants of a nation able to vote.
We need to get rid of Presidents and Kings because they divide the nation just as much as they unite a large segment of the nation against another segment.
Look at modern nations with presidential elections. Some of them end up with a vicil war on their hands, mass killings, simply because the winner got all and the loser of the race got nothing. It is a dumb system.
Having a prime-minister is much smarter, more a manager-in-chief.
We need a better world, Francis. It starts with looking at the problem of picking the wrong power system in many nations in the world.
Just take a look at the map in top of this article, see how few nations are actually true democracies: