It's not guns, but guns do show real well how this is not a good nation. We push people down, kick them hard, and then we want them to behave like decent people.
Our voting system is already emblematic for what ills us: after the voting booth, we have the haves and the have-nots. And that is not where the division stops. The haves fight among each other for majority control, so we end up with a minority controlling the nation disguising themselves as if they are the majority.
Of the 100% of voters, 60% pick the winners, and these winners then split into two camps, so the majority among the winners is about 30%.
That means that 70% is kicked down, and naturally those being kicked down may kick others down even more just to stay afloat.
We have an elitist voting system with a political elite divided over two parties. It's like the 12 tribes of the Hunger Games fighting each other and the elite simply never involved.
It is not the guns. Our nation is not a good nation for ourselves.
The Founding Fathers are not to blame. Had we put everything in place they told us, we would have had a four or five-party system at the Federal level. But we did not keep the republic. At first opportunity, the two powers concentrated power more so the elite would be in control. We can get it back, though.
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