Matter does not exist at a standstill. It is all on the move. But it is all also on the move in their own directions. The largest collection of matter is a galaxy.
Space does not interfere with any behavior, so it also does not interfere with waves, but rather have waves exist inside some kind of energy. Space should be seen as space and not as something it is not.
The CMBR has a surprise up its sleeve.
Looking at other galaxies, the CMBR signals become stronger right around those galaxies.
That may be the secret: Galaxies are matter that exist in a larger cocoon of immaterial matter.
In short, we are not witnessing then the CMBR as a background radiation, but rather we see the edges of our own cocoon of immaterial energy.
That cocoon is torn apart from its original state.
The reason is fairly simple. Quarks are damaged original energy, and when the quarks were liberated from their 'torture chamber' the quarks aligned immediately into neutrons and protons.
Neutrons are neutral, but the protons have a positive charge.
This positive charge caused the electrons to come into being from fields of immaterial energy, neutralizing the positive charges.
I hope you see it, that immaterial energy is stuck with matter via the electrons.
So, when matter is moving outwardly away from one another, then the immaterial energy will follow. In other words, it will tear apart to continue following matter.
Hence, a cocoon around galaxies.
A good analogy is wearing pink glasses and thinking that the world has a pink tinge. Then, when encountering another person wearing pink glasses, you can see how the pinkness of their glasses is emphasized. This should give you the clue that you are wearing pink glasses yourself.
Same with the CMBR being stronger around other galaxies. The Milky Way has a cocoon around itself.
'Quarks Explain Our Universe Best'