Science is not a single realm, Tim. There is the golden standard of science, and there is the silver standard of science. Other than that, a very good article. I have been battling scientists sitting on their high horses when in reality there wasn't a horse for them to sit on.
The Gold standard of Science is when results can be repeated. In those instances, one can ask for falsification of proposals.
For the Silver standard of Science, however, no one can ask for falsification (and Occam's Razor then the best approach).
An easy to understand silver science is Archaeology. One cannot repeat a find, and as such the finds are what one has to work with. Demanding falsification of a proposal how the finds are linked is moot because there is no larger scientific realm that can bring us any other circumstances to do the same.
The materialization process is another good example. While promoting the Big Whisper theory, I have bumped into many doors being closed because falsification is demanded, while in reality unavailable and the demand based on the incorrect realm of science.
The area prior to materialization is a fact (with the entire outcome as evidence), yet the details of that prior state itself cannot be declare with scientific certainty. One cannot request falsification for the prior state of the universe.
Good article, therefore, Tim. Scientists must come off their high horses when they find themselves in the silver arena of Science.