Thank you for this interesting set-up, Vince.
I don't have any further comments, but I’ll reread the original article.
Here is the comment I additionally placed with your article, but it should be placed here:
Thank you, Vince, for your communication via a different path. I can tell that setup was not for me.
But you provided me enough information to take another look at your article, and made it possible for me to see better where I do not follow you in your thoughts.
In my words: I see you write about power, but you are not structurally investigating power. I see more bull-and-red-flag (partly so because of the communication via the different path you provided) than I see constructive thinking about power.
Don’t get me wrong. I can tell you have a pretty good idea about power and I can tell you desire the world to be a better place. I, too, am not happy with the way things are going.
The most important thing about power is already declared with the binary system: there are 1s and there are 0s. When not empowered, we are not seen as 1s, we provide the 0s almost as fillers.
As such, which form of government we have is very important.
In the worlds, there are few nations that have a system based on all voters being 1s.
In the United States, the UK, and many other nations, voters compete with other voters who get to be 1s and who gets to be 0s. As such, these governments do not need to listen as carefully to the voters as, for instance, Sweden does. In Sweden, the system is such that close to all voters end up being 1s; they do not compete with one another for representation.
A nation like China has an elite of 1s, while politically all other folks are 0s. Still, this is an interesting set-up because the government must look out for all to make sure it does not destabilize itself. For instance, some good dictatorial regimes were toppled simply by hiking up the price for bread too much. In other words, they have to pay close attention to all.
Power appears to be the essence of your writing, or better the lack of having power and this being reflected in a world that is not doing all too well.
God is not going to help, because God is the ultimate symbol of power and therefore easily abused.
I am reminded of the Jews needing to escape Egypt and Moses forming an alliance with a single God. Had the Jews kept believing in a plethora of gods, Moses could not have led them out of Egypt. It would have been like herding cats. With one God, all followed Moses and this is how they succeeded.
By envisioning God as the best there is, we create an Egyptian pyramid with God in top position. I like the pyramids better with a platform in top, so normal human beings can climb from different sides and end up communicating with one another on that platform instead of all looking toward the heavens while trying to kick down the others so they can rise.
If someone happens to see my writing, then that is fine. I like writing one-on-one because it is free from powered structures and agendas for one specific form how the world should look like.
Yes, I do promote democracy. I believe that today there are only a handful of true democracies in the world.
P.S. Scientists do not use the term God, ever. Structurally, they only work with the truth in as far as they can uncover the truth. Scientists do not work with power. They may have egos and desire attention, but they try to achieve that by presenting the truth as they see it and find it to be.
I delineate because there is a system of numbers, there is a system of letters, there is a system of emojis, there is a system of colors, there is a system of… etcetera. Baking a cake is great, but the cake is not the essence. The ingredients are the essence and they need to be understood in their own right and not be convoluted by the cake.