The omelet shows us that the egg broke, Chris.
We do not even need to see the egg shells to know this is correct. We do not need to investigate the omelet's contents to know that the egg broke.
Looking at Quantum Mechanics, one can already tell that the quarks were established under extreme conditions. No quark would have come about under normal conditions.
So, let's jump back some 14 billion year, and accept that whatever was out there existed under normal conditions.
Then, the situation that caused quarks to come into being was set up, probably slowly. The proposal here is that it was a collective inward motion among immaterial energy, building up tension.
Over time, this would have caused a central Zone 1 to be stuck in place completely, not 'communicating' at all. That means that immaterial energy in Zone 2 (right next to Zone 1) and the much larger Zone 3 did not receive any indication from Zone 1 that anything was not right with the energy in that center location.
Zone 1 is not where the quarks came from.
Energy in Zone 3 and Zone 2 continued their inbound motion. Zone 2 is then where the tension is maximized, almost to the same level as stuck energy in Zone 1. Except that right there in Zone 2 friction was still possible. After all, all energy involved, humongous as it all was, was limited. That automatically means that Zone 2 would have maximum tension plus friction. Zone 1 is completely stuck, Zone 3 is involved but not all tensed up, except probably close to Zone 2.
Therefore, Zone 2 started to churn, and this caused immaterial energy to get damaged into a quark soup.
Since Zone 2 is no longer contributing to the collective inbound motion, the stuck energy in Zone 1 gets a little bit of space to move outwardly, loosen up so to speak. Then, its energy overcame the inbound motion and catapulted outwardly, simply because it could now, taking all energies of Zone 1, Zone 2, and Zone 3 with it.
Then, at the CMBR, the tension had finally subsided all the way back to normal. That means the quark soup could finally move about. Yet the quarks could not return to their original state, because they had been damaged in the sideway motion. The quarks had to combine, tripartite, to establish a new balanced outcome. They had become self-based, neutrons and protons. Yet the communal setting is not around a single center, but based on all three quarks being themselves in their damaged version.
Since the protons could only achieve a balanced outcome while expressing a positive charge, the negative electrons got pulled out of the remaining immaterial energy fields.
Two material realities therefore: damaged energy (quarks) and not-damaged energy (electrons), while the remainder of energy continued to be immaterial.
'Quarks Explain Our Universe Best'
One does not need to prove that an omelet came from a broken egg.
One does not need any scientific evidence that the quantum reality declares loudly and clearly that material energy came into being after immaterial energy got itself in a pinch of astronomical proportions.
Lastly, the broken toy.
1. Everything of the toy is still there (energy does not get lost), but the toy is in tatters.
2. The special trick the toy was able to perform is now gone for ever. The special ability that existed with the original state of the universe got used to undermine its own setup. A force got expressed at the Big Bang event, and all energy that received a push (i.e. retracting catapult) is still on the move because of that action, though the force is truly spent.
It was a one-time event, and no scientist will ever be able to repeat the Big Bang event. One cannot break an egg twice.
This Bang Bang version is called the Big Whisper, for Penzias and Wilson who discovered the whisper of the materialization process.
Thank you for a very interesting read.