We can know when something is false when it is based on false premises, Nabil.
I am a structural philosopher, and the realm of science is not singular.
* Gold-standard realm
* Silver-standard realm
An example of the silver-standard in science is Archaeology. Artifacts are found, but they cannot be repeated. They are what they are. Proposals based on the finds should be accepted for what they are, and what they merit. Falsification is not part of the silver-standard realm.
Same for the materialization process. While there are golden facts inside the Big bang theory, the realm is a silver-standard realm. Other proposals should not be subjected to the demand for falsification.
For instance, my Big Whisper theory how the prior state of the universe ended (Newton would have approved) cannot be swept off the table because there is not falsification available. It explains really well where matter came from, and fits many known facts (it removed some golden facts as inappropriately placed, similar to using water boiling at 100 degrees Celsius when discussing the thawing process of permafrost).
I have been frustrated by scientists demanding something they cannot demand, and therefore censoring me without any good scientific reasons.
Here is my latest article, if interested in reading how the prior state of the universe may have had an inward motion that ended the overall prior state of the universe. But... it would then also only have created matter from parts of the prior state, and not from the whole of it.