We lost the Republic a long time ago, and had waves of better successes and waves of bitter failures.
If we only would fight to get our Republic back, then we could become a modern nation, exactly what the Founding Fathers prescribed.
They put a limited voting system in place to prevent the large nation to be torn apart in twenty little directions. That was smart. But this was for the Federal level only.
Then, very clearly, they told governments not to deny or disparage the rights retained by the People.
What happened next?
The powers to be immediately put the restricted voting system in place for State elections. They were very much afraid of Thomas Jefferson's voting system in which all voters would be equals.
Instead they concentrated their power into the two-party system we know so well because they restricted voting at the State level so the haves and the have-nots would get established in the voting booths. Up to 49.9% of the voters can end up going home as the have-nots.
With Thomas Jefferson’s system, almost no one would have gone home empty handed.
Insult to injury, the powers that be at the State levels made it verboten to have Thomas Jefferson's voting system for city and county elections.
Needles to say, that was unconstitutional, too.
So, we can get it back. Cities and counties the easiest spots.
Come join. We need to be strong together because the Two Parties are the Two Towers we are up against. It is a legal battle; no need to change the US Constitution -- just making sure our local governments are adhering to it. It could be (and should be) a velvet revolution.
We’ll end up with five parties and a Supreme Court that is well-balanced and well-aligned with society.
'A Republic, if you can keep it'